Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Will Obama Politicize the Arizona Shooting?

Count on it.

Obama's interests are served by hateful rhetoric from his left-wing base. The right thing to do of course, is to reassure the nation that this incident was the act of a single mad man acting alone. He should say political discourse is necessary as a way to diffuse and vent disagreements in a peaceful way and that there is no evidence that radio or television is to blame for the tragic events last Saturday. No, the right thing to understand is that the man is to blame and justice will be served.

But don't count on Obama to say that today when he visits the state for a memorial service. We know who he is. He wants conservatives silenced because it is the only group of people he can't figure out. He can't beat us. He can't intimidate us. He can't fool us. Without his own militia he can't stop us. But he thinks he can take advantage of this incident in Arizona and encourage laws that limit free speech. He thinks he can direct the FCC to police free speech. He will try. But he won't succeed. There are too many good people who are true Americans and stand for freedom and liberty to let that happen.

Fight the good fight (of ideas)

Ronald Munoz

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